Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I Make Someone Smile!

Kari nominated me for a You Make Me Smile award! Now I'm supposed to nominate 10 people from my blogroll, but most of them have already been nominated, but I"ll re-nominate my entire blogroll and the following people who I'm not sure are on my roll at this point: Sara (RXLady), Susan (Susanin Indiana), Dani (TKDChick), Annette (Annette 414) and Sharon (DIMommie). SO if you're in this list or on my blogroll or both, you've been nominated!

Life update to follow when I have some time, it's almost monthend, so it'll be late next week most probably!

1 comment:

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

Thanks, Margaret! You make me smile, too!!