Saturday, August 4, 2007

One Word

Blatently stolen from Suz, Susan and others who all found it on Terri's blog!

You get to answer with one word.

1. Where is your Cellphone? - Clueless

2. Relationship? - Struggling

3. Your Hair? - Short

4. Work? - Looking

5. Your sister? - Ten!

6. Your favorite thing? - Stitching

7. Your dream last night? - None

8. Your favorite drink? - Tea

9. Your dream car? - Audi

10. The room you’re in? - Dining

11. Your shoes? - None

12. Your fears? - Poverty

13. What do you want to be in 10 years? - Happier

14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? - Kids

15. What are you not good at? - Memes

16. Muffin? - Chocolate

17. One of your wish list items? - Job

18. Where you grew up? - Virginia

19. Last thing you did? - Showered

20. What are you wearing? - Pink

21. What aren’t you wearing? - Shoes

22. Your pet? - Somewhere

23. Your computer? - Working

24. Your life? - Loud

25. Your mood? - Grumpy

26. Missing? - Sanity

27. What are you thinking about right now? - Sitiching

28. Your car? - Pontiac

29. Your kitchen? - Tan

30. Your summer? - HOT

31. Your favorite color? - Purple

32. Last time you laughed? - Morning

33. Last time you cried? - July

34. School? - Done

35. Love? - Sometimes

1 comment:

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

You have 10 sisters, or your sister is 10 years old? Curious minds want to know!