Friday, July 20, 2007

Radio Silence

I know I haven't written much over the past month due to the job...which sucked. Yes I quit. It was only a temporary to possibly permanent position, but I decided not to continue with the organization. I was miserable there, and I was making everyone around me miserable. I was grumping at DBF and the kids and not talking to much of anyone because I knew I wasn't good company. I finished this yesterday and everyone's much happier around me already. I had another interview yesterday and I think it will be a much better situation, if I get the job. I'm supposed to hear today, and I'm nervous and praying constantly that I'll get it!

For now though I'm going off line unti lI complete reading HP7, which comes out in just over 12 hours! I'm so excited that I can't wait. I'm going to curl up in my room and read until I'm done with it, and not speak to anyone, including my kids. DBF knows this is my plan and has made plans to do chores that he's neglected to spend weekends with me, so it's all good. I'll post again and share more about my life after I read the book. For now, I'm off to get my wristband that allows me to get in line for the book tonight! Have a very Harry Potter weekend!

1 comment:

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

I'm sorry your job didn't work out. Good luck with finding the *perfect* job.